Greater flexibility and choice for your business customers.

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DynGo Pay for banks

DynGo Pay enables banks to compete with B2B fintechs that are moving into transaction processing.
DynGo Pay integrates seamlessly with existing banking platforms.
Banks are provided spend insights of their business customers through the DynGo Pay portal.
DynGo Pay provides a turnkey solution so banks can quickly and easily enable card transaction processing with minimal investment.
Banks benefit from an immediate new revenue stream when their existing business customers using their bank-issued cards.

Bank features with real benefits

Bank Features
Dyngo Pay integrates with existing bank platforms to enable card payments.
Single sign on into existing banking platform.
DynGo Pay is a white label solution so banks maintain brand and UX integrity and increases user stickiness.
Potential revenue generation through card transaction volume.
Bank Benefits
Seamless user experience for customers enabled by single sign on via the Bank's Business Portal.
Banks don't have to change existing infrastructure to enable DynGo Pay.
Bank customers see DynGo Pay as a new feature from the bank integrated into their existing experience.
‘Payments as a service' model creates significant ROl and increased margin opportunities.

How does DynGo Pay work?

Payer (bank customer) logs into bank portal as normal.
Bank Portal
Payer selects ‘Pay by Credit Card’ and launches DynGo Pay Portal via single sign on.
DynGo Pay Portal
Customer enters supplier payment details or selects existing supplier information.
Payer pays using their preferred card.
DynGo Pay acts as the merchant of record on payment and converts credit card funds to ACH - Automated Clearing House.
Supplier receives payment as ACH.